Work History
Additional Information
Futsal and Biking

Eucrátides Eton Matsinhe

Tax Specialist & Accountant


Dynamic Tax Specialist with extensive experience at Deloitte Moçambique, excelling in corporate taxation and financial auditing. Proven track record in identifying tax savings and enhancing compliance through meticulous reporting. Skilled in transfer pricing and adept at communicating complex issues clearly, ensuring informed decision-making for management.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Tax Specialist

Companhia Industrial Da Matola, S.A
Maputo City, Cidade de Maputo
10.2024 - Current
  • Maintained strict compliance with all local tax laws while preparing company returns.
  • Identified potential tax savings opportunities by conducting thorough reviews of financial records.
  • Assisting in the realization of Balance Sheet Review - Month-End;
  • Tax Reconciliations;
  • Post of Tax and other Journals Entries;
  • Prepared tax returns, tax planning calculations;
  • Coordinated with external auditors during annual review process answering questions addressing concerns related company tax function.
  • Managed tax submissions and made sure all information complied with regulations.
  • Preparation of Transfer Pricing- Local File;


Milestone Business Advisors, Lda
Maputo, Cidade De Maputo
08.2022 - 09.2024
  • Participated on the Preparation - Prospective study on labor needs in the gas sector -DNMOT;
  • Preparation of the Business Plan for Aeroportos de Moçambique, E.P.;
  • Supervised and led the team within the scope of the audit of the Proof of Life and inclusion on the TSU - IGF;
  • Fiscal and Financial Audit to ENH -Bonnati;
  • Prepared and presented the Project on the Dimensioning of Cold Systems and its Operationalization Model - INFRAPESCA;
  • Led a team of 3 surveyors as part of the Monitoring and Evaluation Project - KAP (Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices) on nutrition in the north of the country;
  • Tax Audit - UBA;
  • Monthly Accounting and Tax assistance for NIKHAM Mozambique;
  • Preparation of the Corporate Income Tax (M22-IRPC) - Ecobank;
  • Assistance with the Tax Authority Dispute - Ecobank;
  • Preparation of the Transfer Pricing -Local File for Socremo;
  • Preparation of the Transfer Pricing -Local File for SDCM -Sociedade de Desenvolvimento do Corredor de Maputo;

Tax Analyst

Deloitte Moçambique
12.2019 - 08.2022
  • Communicated complex tax issues and terminology with others by explaining in easily-understood terms.
  • Elaboration of Tax Advices;
  • Conducted internal reviews of financial statements, identifying errors or inconsistencies that could impact overall tax liability calculations.
  • Analyzed tax issues and made recommendations for remediation to management.
  • Enhanced companies regulatory compliance through meticulous preparation of tax returns and documentation.
  • Monitored legislative and regulatory arenas for relevant tax issues and updated management to facilitate informed decisions.
  • Participated in due diligence processes related to mergers or acquisitions, evaluating potential impacts on a company's existing tax structure.


Graduate in Finance And Banking Management - Finance

Universidade Wutivi
Maputo Province
01.2016 - 01.2019


Financial auditing

Accounting principles

Transfer pricing

Corporate taxation

Reporting skills

Auditing techniques

Tax due diligence

Indirect taxation

Additional Information


Filipe da Conceição Júnior - Assistant Manager at Milestone


+258 84 849 3403

+258 82 103 3771

José Chimbana - Manager at Deloitte & Touche Moçambique


+258 84 657 0793

+258 82 382 5870

Futsal and Biking

Futsal player;

Cyclist Enthusiast.


Tax Specialist

Companhia Industrial Da Matola, S.A
10.2024 - Current


Milestone Business Advisors, Lda
08.2022 - 09.2024

Tax Analyst

Deloitte Moçambique
12.2019 - 08.2022

Graduate in Finance And Banking Management - Finance

Universidade Wutivi
01.2016 - 01.2019
Eucrátides Eton MatsinheTax Specialist & Accountant