Work History

Saraiva Culuze



Saraiva Culuze, MBA and a graduate in Statistics, I would like to express my interest in joining your team. I have 12 years of experience in monitoring, evaluation, learning and accountability (MEAL) in projects of Health and HIV, Agriculture, nutrition and humanitarian projects. My experience and technical skills are highlighted in: Data management and analysis, analysis and reporting to donors and other stakeholders, conducting baseline and final project evaluations using mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative), training staff on monitoring and evaluation issues. I have strong skills in using statistical packages for data analysis such as SPSS, EPI-info, STATA, R and Excel I am proficient in creating survey questionnaires using ODK and Kobo collection. I possess Strong understanding and experience in knowledge management, with related experience in sharing knowledge and findings across multiple projects or departments. I have excellent oral and written communication skills in Portuguese, English and the Mozambican language.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

M+E and SR Advisor

11.2022 - Current
  • Strategy, Standards and information management:
  • Work with managers and field staff to ensure the timely collection and input of key monitoring data
  • Support in-field data collection and access, particularly the operation of mobile data collection tools
  • Develop and ensure that established guidelines on project monitoring and evaluation for the different components
  • Design and implement appropriate M&E tools aligned and/or integrated with TVET, GBV, Social Cohesion
  • Work with Project Manager and Staff to ensure quality implementation and adherence to GIZ and UNHCR reporting standards
  • Provide managers with timely performance reports for specific donor and investor reports, per agreed templates and formats
  • Work with government and commercial partners of the project to collect necessary information and data for monitoring and evaluation purposes
  • Coordinate and implement baseline with different implementing partners
  • Develop research tools using kobo collection
  • Write evaluation reports, clearly documenting methods, results and conclusions/recommendations
  • Develop operational procedures (SOPs) for data collection, data sharing
  • Analyze project impact and promote learning by documenting best practices
  • Ensure timely submission of narrative reports
  • Work closely with the Project Manager to ensure that all quarterly and annual reports meet donor requirements
  • Share quarterly and semi-annual data with donors via DATIM
  • Review the final report to be submitted to the donor and any study conducted as part of the project
  • Document success stories and lessons learned during the implementation of the activities

M+E Senior Officer

Catholic Relief Services
02.2021 - 11.2022
  • Develop practical tools and methodologies for aggregating data from a variety of sources
  • Organize frequent field visit to monitor program activities or interventions against Quality Benchmarks/Quality Checklists and produce & share reports to concerned program team as well as management team based on quality and accountability findings and incorporate inputs from program team in action agreed plan
  • Support program staff to strengthen joint planning and monitoring with stakeholders using QBs and other checklists
  • Lead in organizing, identifying enumerators, training using various tools such as PDM, KAP survey, baseline, end line and needs assessments
  • Contribute to the quality of program design - reviewing log-frames, results frameworks, project plan, strategic plans, MEAL Plan etc
  • Technical support in collecting quality data and analysis against the performance indicators and targets on periodic basis
  • Lead on continually monitoring the performance of indicators using IPTT, output trackers and avail quality data for online MEAL reporting and Country Annual Reports
  • Establish an effective functional system for complaints/feedback handling and response mechanisms at community level and ensure the Complaint Feedback Mechanism (CFM) are functional and accessible to beneficiaries
  • Develop regular trend analysis of complaints at organizational level and share it with program team as per protocols
  • Assist Head of MEAL in carrying out preliminary first verification report in case of serious nature of complaints filed by beneficiaries/communities and support for investigation of that types of complaints as per CFM protocol
  • Update IPTTs for all active awards, submit to the Head of MEAL and Field Programme Manager on regular manner
  • Ensure proper documentation of the monthly reports, quarterly reports, workshop/training reports, field trip reports, and Accountability related documents for reference, compliance and future data quality audits
  • Process documentation of capacity building initiatives and support in organizing materials as necessary

M+E Manager

05.2019 - 01.2021
  • Develop and ensure that the guidelines established on the monitoring and evaluation of the project for the different components of the project are respected by the Nweti team, as well as by the members of the consortium, in alignment with the agreements reached
  • Participate in the design and implementation of fit-for-purpose M&E tools, aligned and/or integrated with existing public sector reporting tools where possible, including the country HMIS
  • Make sure that data audits are planned and performed regularly
  • The lessons learned are extracted and shared and the course correction is carried out to continuously improve and strengthen the M&E system
  • Participate in the design of data quality assurance mechanisms and data validation approaches
  • Work with Project Manager and Officers to ensure quality implementation and adherence to USAID reporting standards
  • Participate in meetings with provincial health direction (DPS) and other implementing partners
  • Ensure compliance with all personal data protection needs when conducting basic research and final assessments, including photography and video for any program and documentation production
  • Implement data quality assurance (DQA) protocols and procedures to routinely validate the quality and reliability of all routine data and data sources
  • Establish operational arrangements to collect, analyze and report project data and to invest in training to support the Monitoring and Evaluation function
  • Train OCB teams in the field of collection, and data analysis
  • Train the project team to conduct monitoring activities in accordance with donor standards
  • Supervise and guide the team that reports directly to this position
  • Conduct regular training for district teams and implementation partners
  • Conduct regular field visits to monitor implementation, to ensure compliance with operational procedures and to assess progress on indicators, as well as to provide technical support to district staff

M&E manager

World Vision
02.2016 - 03.2019
  • Develop and integrate M&E systems at the program level and effectively manage those systems at the province level, with the guidance of your Program Director
  • Manager data collection and relevant program information for monitoring and evaluation, working with other partner organizations and local stakeholders to ensure that necessary data is collected on time and to a high standard
  • Consider how to assess the potential impact of work on communities, including children or vulnerable people, and other protection considerations
  • Develop and lead the implementation of MEL, tools in close collaboration with other HQ and program staff
  • Conduct routine analysis of monitoring and evaluation data and findings for learning and adaptation; and will present this to the senior team for integration into the program implementation
  • Validate through observation and field visits information received from the team and partners to ensure high levels of accuracy and clarity in data collection
  • Work out a detailed plan with effective follow up to prevent deviations in terms of data quality and schedule
  • Development, Maintenance and updating of the DHS2 database
  • Preparation of quarterly performance assessment reports for the project's SMT team
  • Perform M&E data calculation and analysis to support program requirements and needs
  • Support the development of structures, plans, logical frameworks and other M&E documents that support the project management cycle
  • Assist in monitoring program activities and assessing whether products and results are meeting targets
  • This will require an assessment of progress against deliveries specified in contracts and registration structures
  • Use data (quantitative and qualitative) to assess project progress and support optimization of program delivery, in conjunction with the line manager
  • Act as M&A knowledge on the team, available to answer colleagues questions about M&A processes and requirements, including quarterly reporting requirements and the data visualization platform
  • Advocate for new M&A developments for country teams to encourage the adoption and use of new resources/tools

M+E Coordinator

Save the Children
01.2014 - 12.2015
  • Identify the information requirements of the components related to planning, monitoring and evaluation
  • Coordinate quarterly program review meetings to facilitate dialogue and learning on project/program implementation with the donor and other partners
  • Provide managers with timely updates on key program metrics, per agreed templates and formats
  • Monitor and report the performance of the project and suggest measures to improve the monitoring system
  • Make sure that data audits are planned and performed regularly
  • The lessons learned are extracted and shared and the course correction is carried out to continuously improve and strengthen the M&E system
  • Development, Maintenance and updating of the DHS2 database
  • Preparation of quarterly performance assessment reports for the project's SMT team
  • Prepare quarterly and annual project progress reports and assist in the preparation of plans

Database coordinator

Abt Association
08.2012 - 08.2013
  • Validate through observation and field visits information received from the team and partners to ensure high levels of accuracy and clarity in data collection
  • Work out a detailed plan with effective follow up to prevent deviations in terms of data quality and schedule
  • Development, Maintenance and updating of the DHS2 database
  • Preparation of quarterly performance assessment reports for the project's SMT team
  • Develop and lead the implementation of MEAL, tools in close collaboration with other HQ and program staff
  • Establish operational arrangements to collect, analyze and report project data and to invest in training to support the Monitoring and Evaluation function
  • Train OCB teams in the field of collection, and data analysis
  • Develops Data Quality Assessment Plans
  • Conducts regular data quality assessments as planned in the RQD plan
  • Support the provincial directorate of Health during the development and implementation of Data Quality Audit Systems
  • Ensures timely delivery of feedback to field staff and partners
  • Coordinate program reporting according to donor reporting requirements

M+E Officer

World Vision
01.2012 - 08.2012
  • Work with managers and field staff to ensure the timely collection and input of key monitoring data
  • Recommend practical tools and methodologies to aggregate data in the databases
  • Support in-field data collection and access, particularly the operation of mobile data collection tools
  • Conduct periodic and systematic data collection and analysis of the project's outcome indicators, together with the relevant project team
  • Assist in the development and writing of activities evaluation and monitoring plans
  • Contribute to reports on the progress of the result indicators and assist the team in preparing or other program reports, as needed C
  • Strong management skills and interpersonal skills
  • Mentoring skills and training facilitation
  • Ability to network and communicate with a wide range of stakeholders
  • Experience in using M&A MIS systems and technology to track program results and indicators
  • Ability to use data analysis software, such as SPSS, STATA, R, Epi Info
  • Excellent knowledge of standard Microsoft Office 8 applications Word, Excel, Outlook, PPT, Internet Explorer, etc
  • D.



Catholic University
02.2014 - 11.2016

Statistic Bachelor's Degree with Honours - undefined

Eduardo Mondlane University
02.2007 - 12.2011


    Strategic planning Monitoring & Evaluation

    Research and evaluation development Reporting and systems

    Staff capacity building Data management

    Data quality assessments


  • Data Quality Assessment Tools
  • Choosing Data Collection Methods
  • Qualitative Data Analysis
  • Gender Monitoring & Evaluation
  • Creating a Theory of Change
  • Developing Theories of Change
  • Data Analysis and Action Planning
  • Developing Log frames
  • Monitoring, evaluation, learning and accountability




  • Myriel Hauser: Nexus Norte M+E Specialist- GIZ · T +49 (0) 228 4460 4621/+258 879883161
  • Stephanie French: Senior Advisor, Field Management Response Team (FMRT)- Catholic Relief Services (CRS) · T +264 813376246
  • Adolfo Cambule: Nweti COP. T + 244925865308/ +258 844728100,
  • Arsénio Soto: World Vision M&A Director ; +258 846 150 700, +258 82 481 3980;


M+E and SR Advisor

11.2022 - Current

M+E Senior Officer

Catholic Relief Services
02.2021 - 11.2022

M+E Manager

05.2019 - 01.2021

M&E manager

World Vision
02.2016 - 03.2019


Catholic University
02.2014 - 11.2016

M+E Coordinator

Save the Children
01.2014 - 12.2015

Database coordinator

Abt Association
08.2012 - 08.2013

M+E Officer

World Vision
01.2012 - 08.2012

Statistic Bachelor's Degree with Honours - undefined

Eduardo Mondlane University
02.2007 - 12.2011
Saraiva CuluzeStatistic