Work History
Hi, I’m

Márcia Monjane Matenja

Public Health Specialist


Reliable professional and forward-thinking project/ program manager bringing 20 years of expertise in development context including emergency setting. Proven experience in project design, management and evaluation; coordination and streamline of multiple partners funding to respond planned and unplanned complex crises emergencies from disaster, health and social contexts.

Greater resource mobilizer with cultivated principle of negotiation around complex negotiation processes between development partners to optimize project funding specially in emergency contexts while optimize goals and outputs. Proven track record of successfully streamlining operations and proposing contextual cost effective approaches/interventions.

Greater complex problem solver with high level of diplomacy between key stakeholders from Civil Society, the Host Government and Development Partners. Deliver innovative improvement strategies. Proficient in analyzing data to identify trends and develop strategies to improve efficiency.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

United Nations Resident Coordination Office (RCO)

Coordination Officer
08.2021 - Current

Job overview

  • Provide Strategic guidance to the Resident Coordinator (RC) in leading the Development Cooperation Partners (DCP) Platform ensuring effective and efficient DCP processes.
  • Provide support to the RC in preparation of meetings with Government high-level, e.g. Ministers (overseeing Gov Sectors that contribute to the Country Framework Implementation), including preparation of briefing materials, speeches, background information.
  • Provide support to the RC in coordinating in county UN VIP Visits Under the Secretary General Office with the Government.
  • Be the main liaison with Government and lead the development of the RCO contact database of key national public, private partners and civil Society partners including facilitation and oversee the initiation, establishment, and coordination of effective working relationships to ensure knowledge sharing.
  • Creation and maintenance of RCO e- filing system ensuring safekeeping of confidential materials.
  • Lead the coordination of consultations, conferences and retreats with Mozambican Government Institutions, civil society, and financial partners timely and efficiently.
  • Oversee strategic messaging and communication between the RC/DCP and Government, support in communicating development partners plans, discussions, and common messages.
  • Ensure information sharing, updates on progress or challenges in development Agenda.
  • Oversee analysis of the DCP experiences, lessons learned and knowledge networking and help with strategic planning processes with the Mozambican Government.

Key accomplishments:

Successfully organized UN VIP in country visits including the visits of Mrs Virginia Gamba de Potgieter, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Children and Armed Conflict (April 2023) and Ms Cristina Duarte, Under-Secretary-General, Special Adviser on Africa to the United Nations Secretary-General (June 2023).

Strengthened Policy dialogue and information flow between DCP and Mozambican Government.

Completed High Level Forums/Meetings between the Government and the DCP Heads Of Missions.

Completed development cooperation resource mobilization exercise for post –cyclone IDAi and Kenneth interventions in 2019 and for Covid- 19, in 2020, totaling $697 Million US dollars in support of Covid 19 Country Cooperation Strategy.

Achieved a better alignment of Development Partners with the Government priorities.

United Nations Resident Coordination Office (RCO)

Spotlight Initiative Project (SLI) Coordinator
12.2019 - 07.2021

Job overview

Under the overall guidance of the Resident Coordinator, I carried out the following functions:

• Organized procurement task force meetings and carried over with SLI procurement Agenda with 2 implementing Agencies;

• Organized meetings with the Government counterpart that coordinates implementation of de SLI, ensuring coordination of the Agenda, registration of minutes and other meeting logistics;

• Organized regular meetings with Civil Society National Reference Group (CS-NRG) comprised by many champions against ending domestic violence;

• Supported in the organization of meetings with the different stakeholders of the SLI project and registration of minutes; • Supported in liaising with the Government and CS-NRG; • Organized and assist in the facilitation of periodic consultations with key stakeholders, women leaders, human rights experts and UN partners to gather inputs on SLI implementation and reporting; • Assisted in the implementation of measures to accelerate programme delivery and track use of funds;

• Managed and reported on the use of funds of the RCO component of the budget; and perform other duties within the work area, as required.

Key accomplishments:

✓ Organized SLI Steering Committee and consultations with stakeholders ;

✓ Developed and finalized the 2021 Annual Work Plan (AWP);

✓ SLI 2020 Annual narrative report produced and consulted with stakeholders;

✓ Prepared the first 2021 Steering Committee meeting;

✓ Consultations with the CS NRG conducted for the finalization of the 2021 Action plan;

✓ Minutes on coordination meetings with RUNOs, Government, CS-NRG and other stakeholders prepared regularly;

✓ Organized Hand over of Government donated equipment for the local authorities (three provinces simultaneously).

U.S. Agency For Internacional Development

Program Development Specialist
10.2012 - 09.2019

Job overview

Oversaw the overall project design, management, implementation, in alignment with the United States Government (USG) Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) and Government of Mozambique Strategy Development Agenda in consultation with other stakeholders including UN Development Agencies.

• Provided programmatic and technical direction ensuring projects are designed and aligned with CDCS to inform current and future activity design efforts in consultation with other stakeholders (e.g. UN Agencies).

• Helped with Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Plans (MELs), collected and assessed data, conducted data quality assessments, and used MELs as a tool to measure program performance and effectiveness as designed in the Development Strategy.

• Supported program and activity monitoring activities with focus on achieving the Results (IRs) as stated in the Development Strategy Objectives (DOs), and helped to identify programmatic areas and activities for evaluation.

• Provided guidance and preparation of Scope of Work (SOWs) for activity and program evaluations fulfilling requirements for Development Strategy.

• Ensured that Mission Development programs fulfilled Federal, Agency, and Government policies.

• Directed the monitoring and evaluation of USG Country Development Cooperation Strategy in alignment with the Mozambican Government monitoring framework in consultation with other stakeholders and UN Agencies contributing to the same results/goals (e.g. UNICEF PIO Grant with USAID).

Key accomplishments:

✓ Negotiated the BA agreement on 15 December 2015, 30 years after USAID had been established in Mozambique.

✓ Designed the following Development Programs (Corruption Program under AGO -PGR, Media Program- MSP; Water and Sanitation- WASH, Private Sector -SPEED).

✓ Conducted Cross sectoral Assessments: i) Biodiversity and Tropical Forest Assessment and ii) Youth Assessment

U.S. Agency For International Development

Program Management Specialist (M & E)
10.2010 - 09.2012

Job overview

  • Worked on project and activity management including data collection, analysis, and provided in house capacity building to the program managers in performance monitoring and evaluation;
  • Provided expertise during the design phase of HIV prevention, care and treatment programs by working with Health program managers in ensuring proper use of data during the designs and helped enforce data driven project and design processes.
  • Co- Chaired the PEPFAR Inter-Agency Strategic Information Working Group (SI TWG), helping meeting program organization requirements on HIV prevention, care and treatment activities as well as helping the management of making strategic decisions using data evidence base approaches.
  • Enforced the culture of data use during projects cycles and activities implementation.
  • Helped the program managers with data tracking activity indicators and enforced a culture of “data questioning and storytelling” trough conducting Data Quality Assessments (DQAs) to better inform PEPFAR processes (e.g. annual and semiannual reporting requirements) and inform strategic decision making process.
  • Helped establishing joint review processes with the Mozambican Health Sector where we built a culture of evidence-based data by presenting and discussing annual and semiannual data reporting.
  • Supported the program managers across HIV prevention, care and treatment activities with routine portfolios reviews data analyses and summaries related to routine program monitoring;
  • Led the Country Strategy serving as a key member within an interagency working group for the development of Global Health Initiative (GHI) Results Framework (RF).
  • Led the development of the Monitoring and Evaluation Partnership Framework Implementation Plan (2010/2011), between the USG Strategy and Country Cooperation Strategy (Health);

Key accomplishments:

Designed the following Developmental Programs (Health: CHASS SMNT, ComCHASS, Annual Program Statement for Health Strategic Information, MARPS for Population at risk; SCIP Community Programs in Northern region of the Mozambique).

Completed Data Quality Assessments across USG Health Developmental Programs (HIV prevention, care and treatment (EGPAF, FGH, CARE, CHASS SMNT).

Futures Group International

Country Director
06.2009 - 07.2010

Job overview

· Assumed overall project management from strategic and operational planning, human resource management, and administration and financial management.

· Ensured overall responsibility for effective implementation of annual work plans.

· Allocated and monitored organizational resources to deliver output and reporting of results to achieve ultimate organizational goals and objectives.

· Ensured appropriate monitoring and evaluations of the activities.

· Assisted the staff and consultants in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluated the project work.

· Ensured correct documentation and reporting requirements by project staff and consultants, including writing up activities and results in accordance with USAID/USG requirements.

· Lead, guided, mentored and managed the performance of staff.

· Managed the process of recruiting new staff and consultants, facilitated routine supervision sessions with each staff member.

· Conducted staff performance appraisal organizational policies and procedures.

· Oversaw disciplinary and grievance issues and identified specific staff training and development needs and arranged in-house and/or external training for staff, as necessary.

· Lead the Government of Mozambique “think thank” for HIV and AIDS estimates from different entities, including National institute for Health (INS) and UNAIDs and other donor community members working on HIV and AIDS estimates.

Key accomplishments:

Build Country partners and counterparts’ capacity in developing, using HIV and AIDS estimations.

Developed Epidemiological Surveillance Reports to inform strategic decision, policy dialogue and program implementation on HIV prevention, care and treatment policies and interventions;

Ministry Of Planning And Finance (MPD)

Strategic Planning Officer
05.2002 - 05.2008

Job overview

· Provided strategic guidance with the development of the Country Planning documents- Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers one and two- in alignment with 2030 Agenda vision, Common Country Analysis and UN Development Assistance Framework.

· Managed the implementation of the Country Development Strategy in alignment with the UN Development Assistance Framework as a core member within the strategic planning Office responsible for overall Country Planning Strategy.

· Helped with the preparation and provision of annual, semi- annual reviews and reports, in coordination with the UN Agencies and other country stakeholders, leading to sound policy recommendations for achieving sustainable development.

· Helped with tracking the results and goals of the Country Development Strategy and the SDGs in consultation with the UN Agencies and other stakeholders.

· Advocated for the integration of cross cutting issues (e.g. HIV/AIDS, Gender) within the Country Development Strategy;

· Served as Strategic Planning point of contact with the UN Agencies, and other stakeholders (e.g. National AIDS Council, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Women and Social Affairs, Ministry of Sport and Youth) on developmental issues related to Health, HIV and AIDS and Gender towards meeting the 2030 Agenda goals in alignment with the UN Development Assistance Framework;

· Oversaw strategic messaging and communication between the Planning Sector of the Mozambican Government with the UN Agency responsible for the Strategic support in meeting the SGDs (UNDP).

· Helped raise awareness among and advocated for the integration of Population issues within the Country Development Strategy (PRSP 2006-2010).



Master of Science from Public Health
12.2007 - 12.2008

University Overview


Bachelor of Arts from Sociology
05.1998 - 05.2002

University Overview


    Advanced problem solving



Coordination Officer
United Nations Resident Coordination Office (RCO)
08.2021 - Current
Spotlight Initiative Project (SLI) Coordinator
United Nations Resident Coordination Office (RCO)
12.2019 - 07.2021
Program Development Specialist
U.S. Agency For Internacional Development
10.2012 - 09.2019
Program Management Specialist (M & E)
U.S. Agency For International Development
10.2010 - 09.2012
Country Director
Futures Group International
06.2009 - 07.2010
Master of Science from Public Health
12.2007 - 12.2008
Strategic Planning Officer
Ministry Of Planning And Finance (MPD)
05.2002 - 05.2008
Bachelor of Arts from Sociology
05.1998 - 05.2002
Márcia Monjane MatenjaPublic Health Specialist