Work History

Zenobia Dulce Machanguana


Experienced in project lifecycle management and fostering stakeholder relations, consistently enhancing project outcomes and efficiency at UNODC through critical thinking and adaptability. Strategically planning and analyzing data to achieve significant improvements in program success, demonstrating multitasking and effective collaboration. As a strategic information program officer, possesses top-notch implementation and project management abilities, overseeing daily milestones across high-performance teams with exceptional organization and a methodical approach. Excels at cultivating strong relationships and building quality-minded teams, resulting in completed projects according to schedule and high client satisfaction. Additionally, skilled in resolving technical issues, improving communication, and maximizing productivity. With over 15 years of experience in project management, diligent, forward-thinking, and adaptable to dynamic organizations and project needs. Motivated to lead teams to meet demanding timelines, detail-oriented, and a strong team player with excellent organizational skills. Handles multiple projects simultaneously with a high degree of accuracy. Organized and dependable candidate who successfully manages multiple priorities with a positive attitude. Always willing to take on added responsibilities to meet team goals. Professional Project Management Specialist with the expertise to effectively work with teams to accomplish short- and long-term project goals while managing budgets and monitoring project costs. History of performing well under pressure and accomplishing successive assignments with high accuracy. Experienced in fast-paced environments and adapts well to changing situations.


years of professional experience

Work History

National Project Officer

UNODC- United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime
05.2020 - Current
  • Supports the development of UNODC technical assistance activities to the national partners Act as a key resource person and as such contribute to the development of national capacity building strategies to enhance policy and programmatic development, coordination, sound monitoring and evaluation with regard to the HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care ,Drug prevention and harm reduction, Gender Based violence within the criminal justice, prevention of Violent extremism in the UNODC key areas; support, organize and participate in advocacy meetings, roundtables, training workshops and other meetings related to specific project issues
  • Support the assessment of the HIV and AIDS situation in the areas identified above the development of effective prevention and care strategies and (c) reviewing and adapting national HIV/AIDS policy and implementation plans and linking them to relevant policies, strategies and plans.
  • Facilitate the establishment of Technical Working Groups for HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support for people who use drugs, and people living and working in prisons, involving all relevant stakeholders at the country level
  • Support and participate in, when necessary, meetings and initiatives pertaining to technical working groups, inter-agency task forces, UN Theme Groups on HIV/AIDS, UN Joint Teams on AIDS, Common Country Assessment (CCA), United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation framework (UNSCDF), Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) and other relevant settings
  • Review, analyze and evaluate technical reports and other relevant materials on the state of prevention and care of HIV and AIDS in the key areas and facilitate dissemination of good practices
  • Review and participate in the drafting of regional and country program's, project documents and grant proposals, including for the Global Fund and the World Bank, and contribute to the determination of their feasibility in the context of HIV/AIDS among drug users, particularly injecting drug users and in prison settings
  • Manage UNODC HIV Programme, coordinating activities related to budget and funding including Programme/project preparation and submissions, progress reports, and preparation of related documents/reports, recruitment and supervision of national staff members, consultants and interns
  • Assist with the implementation of the Pilot Project on Interventions on Non-Custodial Measures for Women in Conflict with the Law (WICL)
  • Provide support on the development of the first Draft the handbook for multispectral interventions for women in conflict with the law
  • Assist and provide guidance on the development of a multispectral intervention handbook to support women who encounter the law
  • Conduct capacity building workshops for local NGOs and all government sectors in Cabo Delgado. Capacity building is an important component of the process, to increase understanding on gender-responsive, non-custodial measures, compilation of reports by assessment reports for purposes of pre-sentence/diversion assessment for non-custodial measures, that considers the pathways of the individual circumstances of the women, that considers factors of violence, substance abuse.
  • Assist with the assessment of the number and cases of women who are currently in conflict with the law, in Cabo Delgado, and determine possibilities of non-custodial sentencing, and introduce Programme or source available programs that can be adapted to ensure reintegration into the community (that encompasses psychosocial/mental health that disrupt cycles of violence, economic strengthening life skills)
  • Documentation of the needs of women in the Cabo Delgado who are in conflict of the law; why women do not access community-based program's, or relapse in attending these community-based program's; impact on their children
  • Lead the implementation of technical assistance aimed at reducing the resort to imprisonment, strengthening prison management, improving prison conditions and enhancing the social reintegration prospect of offenders in line with the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (the Nelson Mandela Rules), the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-Custodial Measures for Women Offenders (the Bangkok Rules) and the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-Custodial Measures (the Tokyo Rules)
  • Carry out monitoring, data collection, analysis and reporting of penal and prison activities
  • Prepare various written outputs, such as background papers, correspondence with governments, working papers, mission reports, presentations, project proposals and ad hoc reports around penal and prison reform in Moz
  • Support the development of new initiatives in penal and prison reform and identify possible UNODC fields of intervention in close cooperation with relevant national counterparts.
  • Promote and strengthen collaborative initiatives at the working level between UNODC and other UN agencies working with prisons
  • Provide support in conceptualizing, planning, organizing and implementing technical and capacity building assistance activities, aimed at strengthening the capacities of criminal justice and other relevant counterparts to prevent and counter terrorism, violent extremism and related crimes
  • Provide support with the assessment of capacity building needs of concerned national entities; contribute to conceptualizing, designing and carrying out training workshops and other relevant initiatives capacity building and enhancing collaborative investigation, prosecution and adjudication on-going advisory services to national authorities on related matters.
  • Contribute with building strategic partnerships with UN entities, regional and specialized organizations, civil society organizations and non-governmental organizations, and contribute to the development of joint projects around terrorism prevention
  • Liaise with counterparts and partners at the working level, including government entities and further UN agencies and international organizations, to ensure the participation and contribution of the government to project activities and the coordination of activities among the various international partners
  • Under the guidance of Head of Office, contribute to the mobilization of additional resources for further technical assistance projects, in line with national strategies and priority areas and develop concept notes and project documents, when required.
  • Coordinate with the related technical units in UNODC Programme Office in Mozambique , ROSAF and the Headquarters for sharing expertise
  • Contribute to the implementation of UNODC technical assistance in relation to the project by providing substantive, technical and logistical support in coordination with the project team, organize all procurement of services as per project activities and in line with UN procurement regulations and financial rules
  • Work in close collaboration with national counterparts, UNODC Programme Office in Mozambique, ROSAF and HQs to coordinate activities exchange information and to ensure consistent delivery
  • Prepare detailed work plans and accompanying budgets and budget revisions for the timely and realistic achievement of project objectives, and monitor expenditure as per funding agreements

Senior MEL Specialist

MSI-Tetra Tech -Mozambique Senior MEL Specialist
12.2018 - 04.2020
  • Coordinated, designed and implemented quality assurance and monitoring systems which promote effective and innovative ways of conducting monitoring within the requirements of the context.
  • Established a data collection system and design data collection tools (quantitative and qualitative), to ensure all monitoring and reporting requirements are met, including field monitoring.
  • Provided support to the program team and implementing partners on ways to improve M&E related components and activities.
  • Coordinated monitored the implementation of previous audit recommendations and assist managers in developing a follow-up system to provide assurance that all audit recommendations relating to M&E are compiled.
  • Organized, coordinated and lead evaluation missions for projects, sectoral and thematic evaluations, including desk evaluations/studies on selected sectors/themes.
  • Follow up on implementation of evaluation recommendations, ensuring the optimal use of evaluations by providing guidance in preparation of timely management response to all mandatory evaluations and by developing a communication plan.
  • Identified and formulate evaluation findings and studies/research, lessons learned and recommendations to be integrated into broader knowledge management efforts and draft them for wider dissemination.
  • Organize and conduct of results-oriented monitoring and evaluation trainings (including quantitative and qualitative data collection methods and shift to mobile data collection) in the Country Office and for implementing partners.
  • Support the inclusion of gender dimensions in all MEL efforts.
  • · Support MMEMS efforts to promote opportunities for Collaboration Learning and Adapting (CLA) within USAID and among its stakeholders.
  • · Support develop Self-Reliance strategy and workplan.
  • Develop monitoring system for Self-Reliance.
  • Support Mission conversation on Self-Reliance.
  • Support design and roll out a Self-Reliance Mission Order, including Co-design and CLA in design.
  • Support MEL training and one-on-one capacity building for USAID and IP staff, as requested by the Senior Monitoring and Evaluation officers.
  • Help organize and support M&E communities of practice with USAID.
  • Support the design and implementation of evaluations and studies carried out by the MMEMS team and its partners.

Strategic Information and M&E Advisor

CCS- Center for Collaboration in Health
08.2012 - 11.2018
  • Senior technical advisor in overall strategic information, including, routine monitoring and evaluation, and health information systems of CCS ‘s HIV/AIDS programs.
  • Managed a team and directly supervised to 6 people within the SI team and 40 people within the M&A team.
  • Responsible for reviewing, analyzing, and disseminating results from quarterly, semi-annual, and annual PEPFAR reports to enable evidence-based decision-making and management.
  • Assisted in the expenditure analysis process for evaluating costs and efficiencies for components of PEPFAR implementation across provinces.
  • Provided technical guidance to CCS staff in the assessment, development, implementation, and evaluation of HIV/AIDS data quality initiatives.
  • · Planed, coordinated, and implemented the quality management and quality improvement programs for a healthcare.
  • Provided direction to ensure programs and services are implemented at the highest standards and beneficiaries receive the highest level of care.
  • Ensured policies and procedures are monitored and updated to include adjusting changes.
  • Managed and coordinated the collection and analysis of strategic information related to HIV/AIDS and GBV and key population.
  • Provided technical guidance and leadership to CCS staff on using data for decision-making.
  • Engaged in all aspects of PEPFAR reporting requirements, including target setting for the provincial, district and Health facility levels, semi-annual/annual progress reports, strategic planning, operational research, program evaluation, and coordinating ad hoc CDC, MOH and CCS.
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively in teams and to collaborate in a multi-agency setting; established close relationships with the Nacional Aids Counsel (CNCS), Ministry of Health (MOH), and PEPFAR clinical Partners.
  • · Standardized Data Quality Assessment (DQA) Tools for the Government of Mozambique for use at National and Provincial sites; conducted ongoing DQA site visits among PEPFAR partners to ensure validity, reliability, integrity, timeliness, and precision of data.
  • Prepared and kept track of the project budget and spending's.
  • Developed and monitors de implementation of the CCS 5-year M&E plan.
  • Led and coordinated the development of new M&E tools, standardize the existing tools, improve data flow system, and manage the quality of data produced by the institution prevention, care, and treatment programs.
  • Supervised the implementation of the planned activities at all levels from the Health Facility to the central level
  • Lead and provide TA to Quality improvement initiatives internally and the ones planned by MOH.
  • Demonstrated leadership ability and interpersonal skills including flexibility, patience, facilitation, team building, and conflict resolution skills in a cross-cultural environment.

SIPO -Strategic Information Program Officer

CDC-Centers for Disease Prevention and Control
12.2008 - 08.2012

  • Provided technical assistance to MOH and Partners to the strengthening their capacity to Monitor and Evaluate Health Programs (Prevention, Care and Treatment.
  • Synthesized data from multiple sources into usable and meaningful information for program management.
  • Support CDC partners in their efforts to better plan and monitor programs using M&E, including training or technical assistance in data collection, data management, analysis, data use and dissemination.
  • Collaborated with PEPFAR's USG HIV/AIDS Coordination office (HCT); managed and coordinated M&E-related processes required for the development of the annual Country Operational Plan (COP) and APR for CDC-funded partner.
  • Prepared ad hoc reports on specific topics as required.
  • Routinely review collected data for validity, reliability, integrity, precision, and timeliness
  • Appropriately identified, escalated, and resolved data errors at site and provide recommendations for improvement.
  • Monitor program trends and assist with use of data.
  • Tracked progress against targets and baselines.
  • Evaluated the status of the program; performance vs. Results through the analyses of the indicators to redefine the course of the project if needed to achieve the objectives.
  • Lead basic Public Health Evaluations as needed.
  • Elaborated evaluation reports and follow recommendations to improve programs.
  • Elaborated monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual report to management team, MOH and PEPFAR.
  • Meet with all counterparts for planning, and budgeting activities (MOH, Donors and other partners).
  • Prepared and keep track of the project budget and spending's.
  • Lead program research activities as needed.
  • Provided data for workshops, conferences, and presentation, internally and internationally.
  • Responsible for reviewing, analyzing, and disseminating results from quarterly, semi-annual, and annual PEPFAR reports to enable evidence-based decision-making and management.
  • Provide a leading role in training USG staff and implementing partners on Devresults) and SIMS (site improvement through monitoring systems) and conduct quarterly reviews of data.

Health Program Assistant

Peace Corps
12.2005 - 01.2008
  • Managed Peace Corp Volunteers HIV/AIDS joint projects with national counterparts, local NGOs, community-based organizations, and faith-based organizations.
  • Provided trainings to Peace Corps volunteers and respective counterparts on HIV/AIDs, culture, and social issues.
  • Monitored and evaluated Peace Corps volunteer projects.
  • Approved PEPFAR funding for Peace Corps volunteer projects.
  • Coordinated Peace Corps, for Ministry of Education and National Aids Counsel National HIV/AIDS programs.
  • Organized and coordinated HIV/AIDS annual national training for incoming volunteers.
  • Prepared national counterpart meetings.
  • Prepared PEPFAR S/APR- annual and semi-annual reports.
  • Represented Peace Corps in international meetings.

National VCT Trainer of Trainees and Data Manager

MOH- Ministry of Health, Mozambique
12.2002 - 11.2005
  • Trained national lay counselors in Counseling and Testing package (VTC).
  • Conducted supervision visits to VCTs sites.
  • Prepared national retreats for Counselors.
  • Provided technical assistance to the Data systems at district and provincial levels (Ep- info).
  • Performed systems trouble shooting on request basis to the partners, district, and provincial level.
  • Performed data entry, cleaning, and analysis of VCT national data.
  • Prepared reports for MOH, partners and donors.

HIVAIDS Coordinator and Water and Sanitation M&E O

CARE International
11.2001 - 12.2002
  • Designed a baseline survey for the HIV/AIDS program in Northern Inhambane.
  • Designed M&E tools for CARE saving's Programs Collected, cleaned, and analyzed baseline data for the HIV? AIDS program.
  • Produce baseline results report for donors, stakeholders, and community.
  • Trained CARE staff on the basics of HIV/AIDS and the Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in Mozambique.
  • ·rained partners and community workers for HIV Awareness campaigns.
  • Represented CARE in Senior meeting with Government, NGOs, and Provincial AIDS Nucleus.
  • Performed program monitoring and evaluation activities.
  • Developed a project proposal for Care's water and Sanitation projects.


Certificate in Public Health - Public Health

Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Maputo, Mozambique

Associate of Arts - Sociology

University of Rhode Island,
United States Of America


  • Project Management
  • Stakeholder Relations
  • Budget Management
  • Reporting and documentation
  • Work Planning and Prioritization
  • Creative and Critical Thinking
  • Performance monitoring
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Problem-solving abilities
  • Multitasking
  • Active Listening
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Strategic Planning
  • Data Analysis
  • Project lifecycle management


Native language


National Project Officer

UNODC- United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime
05.2020 - Current

Senior MEL Specialist

MSI-Tetra Tech -Mozambique Senior MEL Specialist
12.2018 - 04.2020

Strategic Information and M&E Advisor

CCS- Center for Collaboration in Health
08.2012 - 11.2018

SIPO -Strategic Information Program Officer

CDC-Centers for Disease Prevention and Control
12.2008 - 08.2012

Health Program Assistant

Peace Corps
12.2005 - 01.2008

National VCT Trainer of Trainees and Data Manager

MOH- Ministry of Health, Mozambique
12.2002 - 11.2005

HIVAIDS Coordinator and Water and Sanitation M&E O

CARE International
11.2001 - 12.2002

Certificate in Public Health - Public Health

Universidade Eduardo Mondlane

Associate of Arts - Sociology

University of Rhode Island,
Zenobia Dulce Machanguana