Work History
Key Achievements Experience
Key Strengths Skills Attributes
Ana Charles

Ana Charles

Medical Doctor


A record for over 25 years working in public health programs with emphasis on care and treatment, diseases prevention, health promotion, health systems strengthening, development and monitoring health programs, health safety and humanitarian assistance to internal displaced people applying the emergency and development approach. Excellent knowledge on planning, policy design, program management, and program supervision. In depth working experience with environmental health issues, occupational health, emergency crises management and health promotion activities. Experience working with Vaccine Program as a National and Regional Manager. Experience with logistic and supply chain system as a National and regional manager. Strong record on program and grant management to local beneficiaries.

Trained to conduct training sessions on institutional and personal development. Working experience with different health partners (government, private sector, NGO and civil society). Demonstrated ability to interact with multidisciplinary teams. Working knowledge of agencies grants such as WHO, FAO, UNICEF, UNIDO; US Government and other grants such as CDC, USAID and GAVI to advance project progress and comply with funder directives. Experience working with gas and oil production company. Demonstrated ability to cope under stressful environment and work independently, with balance between strategic leadership and attention to detail.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Guest Assistant Lecturer

  • Environmental Health and Occupational Health for Masters degree

Health Promotion Department, Head

Ministry of Health
  • Responsible to re-organize the sector in the Ministry of health
  • Reformulated the HR task shift
  • Co-Responsible to re-launch the 'Feiras de Saúde'
  • Lecturer assistant (part-time) for MPH students at Eduardo Mondlane University, School of Medicine.

Environmental Health Department, Head

Ministry of Health
  • Responsible to re-organize the environmental health sector, countrywide
  • Responsible to create the national preparedness and response multisectorial team for avian influenza and at the same time coordinate the preparation of a contingency plan for avian influenza
  • Updated the national regulation for food safety, for potable water and mineral water
  • Responsible to implement the IHR under the WHO provision
  • Create and run the National Codex Committee
  • Selected to be part of Rooster of Expert for IHR at WHO (2007-2009)
  • Elected as a member of the steering committee for food safety for SADC Region
  • Coordinate the national campaign for water and sanitation
  • Responsible to Monitor the supply chain system
  • Responsible to coordinate the health commodities transport to health facilities
  • Responsible for the program planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring and regular report to upper level
  • Responsible for coordinating the reopening of 44 border control, main point of entry in the country
  • Coordinated the Task force for Avian Influenza preparedness and response, as National Coordinator for Health (2005-2008).

Vaccine preventable diseases lecturer assistant

Eduardo Mondlane University, School of Medicine

National Immunization Program manager

Ministry of Health
  • Responsible for re-organizing the EPI team in 11 provinces
  • Monitoring and evaluating the program
  • Country needs assessment in terms of vaccines, diluents, cold chain, transport and spare parts
  • With UNICEF Monitor the supply chain system, including the procurement process, logistics and health commodities (vaccines, vaccine products, cold chain and transport)
  • With the support of UNICEF and Village Reach, monitor the health commodities transport to the health facilities
  • Responsible for training staff at the regional level for the overall program management
  • Negotiate and responsible for the purchase of all the above materials to supply eleven provinces plus 128 districts at the time
  • Responsible to negotiate with major suppliers to ensure that the EPI materials and equipment were delivered on time
  • Responsible for negotiating with donors funds (GAVI, WHO and UNICEF) to run the program
  • Responsible for the financial management of the program
  • Co-organized the launch of the tetravalent vaccine (with Hepatitis B) in the country.

Provincial Medical Doctor Officer & Clinical Advisor

Maputo Province
  • Responsible for all medical coordination activities at the province level such as patients flux gram, program managing (MCH, malaria, TB/Lepra, HIV/AIDS, EPI, Nutrition, Mental Health), training and supervision of hospital staff (from 8 districts), needs assessment, and assist the provincial director for health on her duties as well as acting as a director during her absence
  • During the 2000 flood, was responsible to organize, coordinate and monitor a multi-discipline (nationals and internationals) team to respond to the overall population needs in the health sector.

Clinical Director

Namaacha Health Center
  • Responsible to organize, manage and supervise the district health center and peripheral centers in the all district
  • Responsible for the nurses, midwives, laboratory and pharmacy technicians training and supervision
  • Responsible for the whole district medical follow-up
  • Coordination and management for the implementation of the association work plan to meet the association statutes main objectives
  • Liaise with the GRM-Australian Awards to ensure small grants scheme are spent according to the Australian Awards rules.

Public Health Consultant

2018.01 - Current

Vaccine Management Consultant-Polio

2023.03 - 2023.10
  • Collaborate with DPS and SPS at provincial level and WHO and other GPEI partner teams and the outbreak technical lead/coordinator to work on vaccine forecasting,develop cold chain and logistics aspects of the province outbreak response plan and adapt the outbreak SOP and BOPV 2management technical guidance at the province level
  • Supported DPS and SPS with situation and data analysis, documentation, supervision and training.
  • Monitor implementation of all aspects of Cold chain and vaccine management policies as laid out in outbreak response plan and the guidance Note on Cold chain and Vaccine Management during Polio SIAs
  • Liaise with UNICEF program at country and field office and support the vaccine logistic teams of DPS and SPS to streamline
  • Provide Technical assistance to DPS and SPS and partners to ensure that all procedures are followed as per BOPV2 management technical guideline
  • Support DPS and SPS with resource management allocations for the approved activities.
  • Engage with key partners and apply logistical tactics for making vaccines available in insecure areas

Public Health Consultant-Medical Translation

International Finance Corporation, IFC
Maputo , Maputo
2022.12 - 2023.04

Translated medical documents from English to Portuguese for training purpose.

With IFC quality ensurance team participated on quality ensurance for hospitals training as assistant facilitator and supporting the translation team

  • Proven ability to learn quickly and adapt to new situations.
  • Used critical thinking to break down problems, evaluate solutions and make decisions.
  • Provided professional services and support in a dynamic work environment.

Health Lead

2020.01 - 2022.01
  • Managing community health interventions by designing, mentoring and coaching the implementation partners (Pathfinder International and VAMOZ) in Cabo-Delgado Province (Palma, Mocimboa da Praia, Pemba and Ancuabe)
  • Closely supervising the IP (Implementing Partners) activities
  • Monitoring the financial activity of the IPs
  • Verify and advise the IPs on the best model of aid and humanitarian assistance to be offered to the displaced persons of war in Cabo Delgado province
  • Responsible for the maintenance of the working relations and cooperation between the implementing partners of the community health activities in the regions of Cabo Delgado province where TotalEnergies operates and the cooperation partners such as WHO, UNICEF, Medicos sem Fronteira as well as with the District, Provincial and National Governments.

Training Advisor

Center of Collaboration for Health (CCS-HO)
2016.01 - 2018.01
  • Responsible to design and monitor CCS internal training strategy to further enhance human resource (internally and for the beneficiaries) for health development and management
  • Managing CCS virtual library and training database and extract quarter report to CDC
  • Managing and provide technical support for pre-service training
  • Responsible to review training package
  • Conduct needs assessment to develop CCS training division.

Provincial Program Manager

Center of Collaboration for Health (CCS)
2014.01 - 2016.01
  • Closely supervise and guide programs and staff, ensure effective fulfillment of financial and administrative procedures and regulations
  • Reinforce the collaboration with other NGO's, private sector and government institutions as well as capacity building and establish strategic partnership (building and reinforce relationship with other institutions)
  • Monitor the supply chain system from logistic and procurement to transport health commodities to health facilities as well as storage management
  • Program planning, budgeting, implementation, risk management, monitoring and regular report to upper level.

Elisabeth Glaser and Ariel Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation Coordinator

2010.01 - 2014.01
  • Coordinate the implementation of EGPAF and ARIEL activities in Maputo Province
  • Developing DPS capacity building on planning, implementing, evaluating, procurement, logistic, storage management, risk management and quality control, HR and Finance management
  • Promoting and assisting for partnerships between EGPAF, ARIEL and DPS and other organizations operating in province and district level
  • Ensuring effective use of resources allocated within the organization and beneficiaries
  • Active participation as senior staff on transition process from EGPAF to Ariel as national NGO
  • Actively participated as senior staff on strategic plan for Ariel (2012-2017)
  • As a manager, actively advocated, designed, launched and closely supervised the implementation of Family Approach initiative in Machava General Hospital
  • To date, this initiative was adopted by the MOH and is being implemented nationwide
  • Coordinate the PMTCT and care and treatment activities in the districts supported by EGPAF and ARIEL with emphasis on one stop model for TB/HIV and family approach
  • Conducting regular team supervision
  • Assisting on development of a research plan for Maputo province
  • Managing Contracts and grants of local partners, from needs assessment to annual planning and follow-ups on a quarterly basis to meet planned targets
  • Monitor the supply chain system from logistic and procurement to transport health commodities to health facilities
  • Program planning, budgeting, implementation, risk management, monitoring and regular report to upper level
  • Conduct monitoring, evaluation, and reporting EGPAF and ARIEL-Maputo Province activities (programmatic and operational) to upper level and to the donor (CDC).


Public Health Specialist (Health Promotion) - Public Health

Public Health College
Ordem dos Medicos, Maputo
2008.04 - 2012.08

Master of Public Health, MPH (Health Promotion orientation) -

University of Queensland
School of Population Health, Australia
2004.02 - 2005.07

Medical Doctor - Medicine (Pre-Medicine)

M. Eduardo Mondlane University
School of Medicine, Maputo
1987.02 - 1996.08


Emergency preparedness, response and humanitarian crises supportundefined

Key Achievements Experience

  • In 2023 as a UNICEF consultant for vaccine management and cold chain, participated in Nampula province in Round 8 of vaccination against polio in children under 15 years. During this campaign, was part of a provincial team that managed to lead the province to achieve the positive result of 100% in all districts in terms of quality of campaign activities according to the evaluation of the independent Monotory team.
  • In 2022, Successfully redesigned health intervention for the war displaced communities of Mocimboa da Praia and Palma. From a care, treatment, and disease prevention oriented approach, through the implementing partner, Pathfinder, we introduced 4-pillar emergency response and development approach with an emphasis on psycho social support in the accommodation centers in Pemba and Ancuabe. This approach was also extended to the host communities. Around 13.000 people were benefited from this approach in one accommodation centre in Pemba and two in Ancuabe, covering two health centers in Pemba and 3 in Ancuabe. A total of 11 health personal from 5 health centers and 15 community workers were trained to deliver community HIV program, Child and maternal health, vaccination, nutrition, youth and reproductive health, GBV, mental health, malaria prevention and water and sanitation program. Working with TotalEnergies, contributed for the creation of two SME (one for community malaria program and another for PPE equipment) in Palma. Under the humanitarian program implemented by VAMOZ during 2021, around 25.000 people benefited with a total of 400 Kg of medicines,78 children vaccinated against measles, 6 babes safely delivered, 103 patients were treated against malaria and 17 water sources were maintained. Two brand new Mobile Clinics were donated to the MoH in a response of the Mozambican President pledge to the Total CEO in Paris during the onset of March 2021 insurgent attack that occurred in Palma. Both Clinic were designed for reaching out internally displaced people to provide primary health care. Awarded as International Alumina of the Year 2013 by UQ-Australia for the achievements in field of Public Health. Under direct leadership Maputo Province ( as Ariel) and Maputo city (as CCS) was elected as the best NGO partner to DPS (for consecutive years) and set to represent provincial NGOs in the Government council. Coordinate the expansion of health facilities that offers ARV (anti retro viral) delivering care, treatment PMTCH services, vaccination, health system strengthening, logistic and chain supply including ARVs, vaccine products and supplements transportation to the health facilities in Maputo City and Province under the PEPFAR. Co-Designed a tool (“Guia para Feiras de Saude-2009”) to promote healthier lifestyle for general population. Designed a tool for Health Educators (Guião de utilização do Manual de Educação para a saude-2009 for the MOH). Successfully accomplished the application fund for WHO/FAO Trust Fund (2007-2009) Coordinate the national water and sanitation campaign, nationwide (2008) Appointed as national CODEX focal point (2006-2009). Coordinate all process to establish the national CODEX committee (established on 8th of May, 2007). Selected and established the major points of entry (as requested by the WHO to the member states under the IHR) in the country. Elaborate the national health regulation under the IHR (2005) provision. Designed the IHR (2005) National Implementation Plan and implemented in the 11 provinces across the country. Coordinated the all activities to reopening of 44 border control, main point of entry in the country. Coordinated the Task force for Avian Influenza preparedness and response, as National Coordinator for Health (2005-2008). Successfully submitted the first GAVI application for fund to support EPI (2001-2003).

Key Strengths Skills Attributes

  • In depth working experience with environmental health issues, occupational health, emergency crises management and health promotion activities.
  • Experience working with Vaccine Program as a National EPI Manager.
  • Experience with logistic and supply chain system as a National and regional manager.
  • Strong record on program and grant management to local beneficiaries and trained to conduct training sessions on institutional and personal development.
  • Working experience with different health partners (government, private sector, NGO and civil society). Demonstrated ability to interact with multidisciplinary teams.
  • Working knowledge of agencies grants such as WHO, FAO, UNICEF, UNIDO, IFC; US Government and other grants such as CDC, USAID and GAVI to advance project progress and comply with funder directives.
  • Experience working with gas and oil production company.
  • Demonstrated ability to cope under stressful environment and work independently, with balance between strategic leadership and attention to detail.


+258 84 8882314/823944478


  • Dr. Martinho Dgedge, National Inspector for Health, +258 823260650,
  • Dr Paula Samo Gudo, CDC, +258 843410890; 84 3121450,
  • Esmeralda Karagianes, UNICEF Mozambique, +258 82 9371967; 84 8398917,
  • Jessica Rodrigues, Sr. Technical Advisor, Office of HIV/AIDS, +1718 7553511,


Neurovox Society

Mozambican-Australian Alumni Association

Mozambican Medical Doctors Association

Mozambican Medical Doctors Order


Health Promotion, Environmental Health issues, Border Control,Life style medicine, Emergency prepardness and recovery, Psicological support.


In order to maintain my inner energy I like to do travelling to different parts of the globe and meet other people and cultures. I also like to be in contact with the nature by walking in forests, hiking, cycling, camping and writting or simply reading while listening the sound of the nature

When I get the chance I like story telling, the old fashion way


Guest Assistant Lecturer


Vaccine Management Consultant-Polio

2023.03 - 2023.10

Public Health Consultant-Medical Translation

International Finance Corporation, IFC
2022.12 - 2023.04

Health Lead

2020.01 - 2022.01

Public Health Consultant

2018.01 - Current

Training Advisor

Center of Collaboration for Health (CCS-HO)
2016.01 - 2018.01

Provincial Program Manager

Center of Collaboration for Health (CCS)
2014.01 - 2016.01

Elisabeth Glaser and Ariel Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation Coordinator

2010.01 - 2014.01

Public Health Specialist (Health Promotion) - Public Health

Public Health College
2008.04 - 2012.08

Health Promotion Department, Head

Ministry of Health

Environmental Health Department, Head

Ministry of Health

Master of Public Health, MPH (Health Promotion orientation) -

University of Queensland
2004.02 - 2005.07

Vaccine preventable diseases lecturer assistant

Eduardo Mondlane University, School of Medicine

National Immunization Program manager

Ministry of Health

Provincial Medical Doctor Officer & Clinical Advisor

Maputo Province

Clinical Director

Namaacha Health Center

Medical Doctor - Medicine (Pre-Medicine)

M. Eduardo Mondlane University
1987.02 - 1996.08
Ana CharlesMedical Doctor